Internal Complaints Committee
Mechanism of submission of offline/online student grievances:
The students are given free hand to submit their grievances & complaints related to sexual harassment & ragging. The students can submit their complaint in anyone of the following method:
- Email Submission:
The students can register their complaints through Email Id provided in the website of the college ( This Email submission will be received by the principal to take necessary action.
- Registration Through Student Corner:
Students can even register their complaints, grievances & ragging related matters in student corner provided in the website ( registered complaint will be addressed immediately.
Online submission of grievances/complaints/Feedback
- Redressal Complaint Box:
The complaint box are kept in the college campus, the students can write & drop his/her grievances & complaints in the box provided. Periodically the complaints will be collected & analyzed.
- Phone Contacts:
The phone numbers to register the complaints are displayed in the campus. The students can directly contact these numbers for registering their complaints. They can also contact their Mentor, Class Coordinator, Hostel Warden, Principal and Vice Principal through mobile phones to register their complaints. The phone number details of the concern authority are given in academic calendar.
The registered complaint on sexual harassment, student redressal & ragging related matter will be confirmed on the receipt of the Email. The received complaint will be assessed & authentication will be checked. After authentication & validation the received complaint will be forwarded to the concern committee to enquire & submit the report. The oral complaint received through phone will be addressed only after taking a written complaint. The anonymous complaint submitted by the student will not be entertained.
The respective student representatives of B. Pharm, Pharm. D program will be having a meeting with Principal. In this representative meeting also the students can register their grievance pertaining to Teaching learning process, academic and exam related matters and infrastructure related issues.

Fig 1: Enquiry process and steps involved after receiving the complaints relating to Students redressal, Sexual harassment and Ragging