PSGCP organized “Alumni Meet 2022” on 23rd July 2022

The Alumni association of PSG college of Pharmacy organized “Alumni meet-2022 program” to facilitate, consolidate and coordinate alumni activates at PSG college of Pharmacy at PSG IMSR auditorium on 23rd July 2022.The primary objective of alumni meet is to reconnect with the alumni and celebrate their success and various achievements..Faculties who taught the students from 2001 batch till now were also invited to grace the event. The executive committee meeting was held in the board room, PSG College of Pharmacy at 11.30am to discuss alumni activities and measures to be taken to strength the alumni association. 13 alumni including the general secretary and vice president of the alumni association participated and Dr.M.Ramanathan. Principal chaired the meeting.
The Alumni Meet-2022 commenced with a welcome address by the Alumni association president Mr.M.Ramanathan, Principal, PSG College of Pharmacy. After the warm welcome, Chief Guest, Prof Dr.A.K.Chandrasekaran, Founder Principal, PSG College of Pharmacy was felicitated by the Principal Dr.M.Ramanathan. Followed by, Prof A.K.Chandrasekran addressed the gathering and emphasized the importance of values and ethics that made PSG College of Pharmacy one of the foremost colleges in the state. The general body meeting ensued and was preceded over by the vice president in which the minutes of executive committee meeting were discussed.
The Photo session was held after the general body meeting in which batch wise photograph with the batch teachers was taken.
The alumni interaction session succeeded after the photo session in which the alumni interacted with the current students.The students had a fruitful discussion about career prospects and scope of the pharmacy in near future. The hour long alumni interaction was followed by cultural program. Finally the program was successfully ended Dr.V.Ssankar delivering the vote of thanks.