PSGCP organized a two-day National conference on automation, IT, and advancement in pharmaceutical sciences (ICAAPS 2022), on 22nd and 23rd July 2022

PSGCP organized a two-day National conference on automation, IT, and advancement in pharmaceutical sciences (ICAAPS 2022), on 22nd and 23rd July 2022 at PSGCP auditorium, Coimbatore. The conference was co sponsored by DBT, DST-SERB, DRDO, and CSIR. The conference was inaugurated by lighting the scared lamp by the honorable Chief Guest Dr.J. Venkateswaran, Aurolab, Madurai, and Guest of honour Dr.B.Jayakar, Executive member, PCI, and Registrar- Vinayaka Mission Research foundation, Salem. Dr.M.Ramanathan, Principal, PSGCP, presided over the function. Around 700 delegates were participated in the event. Total of 21 speakers from six emerging research area were invited for the conference. The objective of the conference was to bridge the gap between the curriculum and pharmaceutical industries. Regarding the poster presentation, a total of 121 posters ware presented across six themes.The best 14 posters were awarded. Dr.Irfan Tamboli , Senior Scientific Manager, Innoplexus consulting services, Pune was the chief guest for the valedictory function on 23.07.2022. Mr.S.Karthikeyan, scientific convener, presented the conference report and Ms.Madhusri delivered vote of thanks, with National anthem the conference was officially closed.