Mad club organizing free style painting prelims to be held on 29th Jan 2020
Mad club organizing free style painting prelims to be held on 29th Jan 2020
Mad club organizing free style painting prelims to be held on 29th Jan 2020
House matches are scheduled from 21st JAN 2020.
NSS camp is scheduled on 6th JAN 2020 to 11th JAN 2020 at Vedapatti village
10th Year Pongal Celebration scheduled on 13.01.2020 Monday.
I Sessional examination for I,III,V Semester, IVth B.Pharm has been scheduled on 19.12.2019 to 23.12.2019
Freshers day has been scheduled on December 6th 2019
Student council General body meeting has been scheduled on December 6th 2019
Parent Teachers meet (II,III & IVth year B Pharma students) has been scheduled on 30th Nov 2019 at 10.30am in PSGIMS & R auditorium. The mentor, mentee interaction has also been planned.
Walk in Interview for the position of SRF/JRF on the CSIR project titled ‘Mupirocin silver nanoparticles loaded collagen dressing for treating burn wound infections’. Principal Investigator Dr. V. Sankar, Vice Principal & Professor, Department of Pharmaceutics Date : 25.10.2019 at 10.00 am Venue : at Principal’s office, PSG College of Pharmacy, Coimbatore- 641004