16th Webinar on “Showcase professional skills to crack job interview”
16th Webinar on “Showcase professional skills to crack job interview”
16th Webinar on “Showcase professional skills to crack job interview”
15th Webinar on “Good Laboratory Practices”
14th webinar on “Product development for Regulated Markets”
The 15th Graduation day ceremony is scheduled on 8th of April 2020 at PSG IMSR Auditorium.
I Sessional examination for II, III, IV, V Pharm.D has been scheduled on 17.03.2020 to 20.03.2020
Kreeda 2020 will be held on March-April
II Sessional examination for I, III, V Semester has been scheduled on 19.02.2020 to 21.02.2020
Valar karangal is organizing Organic farming programme to PSGCP students at CHESHIRE HOME from 25th Jan 2020
An awareness programme on “Tobacco addiction” and “Career guidance” at PSG Public school, Vedapatti on 28th Jan 2020 organized by Students council
Sir C.V.Raman Science club is conducting quiz quarter final round to be held on first week of February 2020